Thursday, December 5, 2013

Looking for a new pair of wheels

A little over two weeks ago I sold my truck because the repairs were adding up, now I’m on the market for a used car.  Would anyone in the Atlanta like to join in on my search for a used car? I'm looking for a 4 door sedan, under 160,000 miles, preferably 2000 or later. My price range is $15, 00 to $25, 00; it could be more if anyone decides to chip in (hint dropped lol).  I am hoping for a Honda or a Camry, I hear they are all around good cars. I need to get a car that won’t need a lot of repairs, seeing my monthly income as a missionary is quite humble

For last few weeks I have been taking the Marta, which the mass transit system here in Atlanta. Taking the Marta has been an awesome opportunity to live simply and see the daily struggles of folks who have no other option but mass transit. I have also gotten to meet some pretty cool people in my community as a result taking the Marta on a daily basis. 

The downside to taking Marta is that it bookends my day by two or more hours. I am also limited in the services I can provide to people in my prison ministry this year, like taking people to their court dates and doing jail visits. Please let me know if you have any ideas, would like to chip in or if you know of any available vehicles that fit my wish list. You can find my contact information below.

Grace and peace,


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